SPG Q1 2020 Earnings Update

Back in March, I purchased 46 shares of Simon Property Group. While I am optimistic about Simon, I feel like it needs close monitoring since it is a highly indebted company. I did a write up analyzing their debt and liquidity needs for the year, which provided some reassurance. Now that Q1 is over, I want to follow up on their debt situation, and see how the mall closures have impacted their operating income. Below are some of the highlights from the SPG Q1 2020 earnings call.

Q1 Income Statement

Now to dig into my favorite part, the financial statements! The table below shows the key income statement lines, comparing Q1 of this to last year. Revenue is down compared to 2019, however it is interesting that lease income is not contributing too much to the lower sales. The 10-K lists the various reasons that “other income” is lower in Q1 2020 compared to 2019, but I’m not going through that here.

Operating expenses were slightly lower, it would be interesting to see what Q2 expenses look like since it will capture more of SPG’s scaling back of operations. Interest expense is lower, due to lowering of variable rate debt rates and refinancing of other debts.

Finally we can see that the net income dropped, and that the business earned $0.35 less than this time last year. All in all, the Q1 income statement looks good given the circumstances, but Q2 results will sure to be uglier. 

Q1 2020Q1 2019
Total Revenue1,353,3601,452,834
Lease Income1,262,2321,289,058
Operating Expense698,491707,813
Interest Expense187,627198,733
Net Income437,605548,475

Current Balance Sheet

The balance sheet of SPG is something I want to keep close tabs on. While I’m not too worried about Simon’s debt load, the possibility of large operating losses requiring them to access credit is a bigger concern. First, the cash flow statement shows that Simon gained $6.45B in proceeds from debt, while repaying $3B of debts. This must be refinancing a credit facility, or paying off a bond that came due. Elsewhere in the 10-K, Simon reports they drew $3.75B from their credit facility for operating liquidity. Given the proceeds of this credit line, SPG’s cash balance at the end of the quarter was $3.724B compared to $670M at the end of 2019. Next, the total debt increased from $24B to $27.5B this quarter. To satisfy the finance nerd in me, the breakdown of SPG’s debt  is as follows:

  • $3.0 billion outstanding under the $4.0 billion unsecured revolving credit facility
  • $875.0 million outstanding under the $3.5 billion unsecured supplemental credit facility
  • $1.0 billion outstanding under the $2.0 billion global unsecured commercial paper note program
  • Unsecured debt consisted of $15.8 billion of senior unsecured notes (bonds)
  • Total mortgage indebtedness was $6.9 billion

Based on these figures, it appears Simon has plenty lines of credit to tap into if need be. Finally, the 10-K also reported that SPG is in compliance to all of their debt covenants. 

COVID Response

As the COVID crisis unfolded, Simon claims to be one of the first companies to voluntarily close all of their properties. Recently SPG has been opening properties back up with added precautions. Currently, 77 of Simon’s U.S. malls have reopened. Within the latest 10-K, Simon outlined their business response to weather COVID19: 

  • Significantly reduced all non-essential corporate spending
  • Significantly reduced property operating expenses, including discretionary marketing spend
  • Implemented a temporary furlough of certain corporate and field employees due to the closure of SPG’s properties
  • Suspended more than $1.0 billion of redevelopment and new development projects
  • David Simon, the CEO and President elected to reduce his base salary to zero and deferred his approved 2019 bonus until the market conditions improve
  • Implemented a temporary decrease to the base salary of certain of its salaried employees ranging from 10% to 30%
  • The Board of Directors agreed to temporarily suspend payment to the independent directors of their board service cash retainer fees

In my view, these measures seem rational, and it is good to see the CEO and board eliminate their compensation. That is to say, I will be curious to see how these spending cuts affect the operating results next quarter. 

Dividend Payout

One topic of interest is what SPG will do with their dividend. Simon paid a quarterly dividend of $2.10 in Q1. Interestingly, SPG has declared they will pay a Q2 dividend, however they did not say how much it would be. As a capital allocator, I would hope they would only pay a dividend if they had the operating cash flows to support it. I do not mind if they need to temporarily reduce or suspend their dividend payments, however many people are very demanding of their dividends. 

Looking Forward

During the SPG conference call, David Simon did say that he expects positive cash flow this year. This is reassuring, since most people are assuming they are going to run a deficit with retailers not paying rent. But of course, we don’t really know how things will pan out. Simon did mention that some retailers have negotiated delays in rent payments. The company did not specify how many retailers they have negotiated with, or how many retailers have failed to pay rent. Therefore number of rent collected in a key figure. It appears Simon does not want to speak too specifically about this so retailers don’t use it as an excuse to not pay rent because X% of retailers haven’t paid. SPG communicated its firm position that retailers signed a contract to pay rent and must uphold that. 

Since SPG closed its properties only a week or so before the end of the quarter, Q2 should be more revealing of how this crisis has impacted the company. The occupancy at the end of Q1 was down 1.1%, amounting to a total occupancy of 94%. This occupancy level seems very strong, but it is definitely something to monitor in the coming quarters. If this crisis persists, it could take a while for retailer bankruptcies to shake out. 


All in all, I think this quarter’s results were pretty positive given the situation, and given how beat up this stock is. In the coming quarters, it will be important to keep track of the occupancy, lease revenue, operating income, and how they are deploying their credit facilities. While it is very possible SPG suffers through more pain, I am still optimistic on its fundamentals looking a few years out. 

Why Simon Property Group (Probably) Won’t Go Bankrupt

The March selloff provided some opportunities to buy undervalued stocks. One of the stocks I scooped up was Simon Property Group, which on the surface appears to be a risky business. However, the assumption I’m making is that the majority of tenants will continue to pay their rent through this COVID19 crisis. Since this is a big assumption, I decided to dig into Simon’s financials, model what would happen if a chunk of their tenants fail to pay rent, and try to prove why SPG won’t go bankrupt.

Estimating SPGs Finances During COVID19

Now let’s do some back of the envelope calculations to model what SPGs finances may be this year. Simon Property Group’s simplified income statement and balance sheet are shown below. In this exercise, we assume a scenario where a large portion of tenants don’t pay rent, however we have to balance being conservative with being realistic. First, let’s say that there is a 30% reduction in revenue from tenants not paying or going bankrupt. Factoring in the 30% haircut from last year’s revenue, this would mean an estimated 2020 revenue of $4B.

SPG 2019 Simplified Income Statement (Dollars in Thousands)
Total Revenue5,755,189
Property Operating453,145
Depreciation and Amortization1,340,503
Real Estate Taxes 468,004
Repairs and Maintenance100,495
Advertising and Promotion150,344
Home and Regional Office Costs190,109
General and Administrative34,860 
Total Operating Expenses2,847,358
Interest Expense (789,353)
SPG 2019 Simplified Balance Sheet(Dollars in Thousands)
Investment Properties Less Depreciation23,898,719 
Cash and Cash Equivalents669,373
Mortgages and Unsecured Indebtedness24,163,230

Breaking Down Expenses

Even though the revenues may be down because of the COVID19 crisis, expenses may be fairly fixed. The next line on the income statement shows SPG had operating expenses amounting to $2.9B in 2019. Operating expenses consist of property operating cost, real estate taxes, repairs, advertising, office costs, employee costs, and depreciation. Some of these expenses could be cut, but that would probably equate to a couple hundred million which won’t move the needle too much. Above all, the largest cost is depreciation, which is a non-cash expense. Depreciation spreads the cost of certain purchases over a period of several years, instead of charging the full cost upfront. Since we are primarily worried about cash flow coming in and out, we can add back depreciation, resulting in an adjusted operating expense of $1.5B.

Operating and Net Income

Now that we estimated expenses, we can find the operating income by subtracting the adjusted operating expenses ($1.5B) from the estimated revenue ($4B). This leads to an estimated operating income of $2.5B. Following the operating income are a series of line items that arrive at the net income. Examples of these items are income tax, income from unconsolidated entities, and unrealized losses on assets. For simplicity sake, let’s ignore these since they won’t change the outcome much. The last line item we care about is the interest expense, which amounts to about $800M this year. 

Current Liabilities

A common metric used to judge a businesses credit worthiness is the interest coverage ratio. This is calculated by dividing the operating income by the interest expense. For instance, an interest coverage ratio below 1.5 indicates the company may have difficulties paying their interest if there is a bump in the road. Calculating the interest coverage ratio for SPG, with the estimated operating 2020 expense, yields 3.16. In short, Simon should be able to make its interest payments this year.

With the income and expenses tallied up, it is time to look at the liquid assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. So far we estimated the amount of cash coming into SPG this year, but we have to factor the cash already on hand. During the period ending in 2019, Simon has $670M in cash. There are some accounts receivables and payables, but let’s pretend they cancel each other out for simplicity. 

Long Term Debt

The most important piece of info needed to judge SPGs financial strength is the amount of debt they owe. Currently, SPG has $24B in debt, with $6B of it in mortgages, and $18B in unsecured debt such as bonds, commercial. paper and credit facilities. As previously mentioned, interest on the debt is about $800M this year. Some of the bonds and the commercial paper come due this year, which means the principle needs to be repaid. Finally, the amount of debt coming due this year is $2.9B.

The big question is whether or not Simon can pay off the debt coming due this year, and make its interest payments with reduced revenue. The good news is that in March, SPG received an increase in their credit facility. They now have about $9B in credit they can tap into to pay their liabilities. Obviously it isn’t ideal to use debt to pay debt, but these are circumstances beyond their control.

Calculating SPG’s Deficit

Putting it all together, we can estimate how much of a cash surplus or shortfall SPG will have this year after paying its debts. The equation below shows that by adding the estimated operating income and the current cash balance, then subtract interest and debt coming due, Simon will approximately have a $500M deficit. 

Estimated Operating Income + CashInterestDebt Due = -500M

While it is not ideal that SPG will more than likely suffer a loss this year, they can easily cover this deficit with their credit facilities. Therefore, based on these rough calculations, I believe Simon Property Group will be able to weather this rough 2020.

Other things to consider are Simon’s debt covenants may be a limiting factor on how they can navigate this crisis. However, I couldn’t find much detail on their covenants. One can assume that if they had a large increase in their credit facility, then they must not be close to violating the covenants. 

Simon’s Dividend

Another note is that this analysis did not take into account Simon’s dividend. REITS must payout a large portion of their profits, however I doubt Simon will be profitable in 2020. Although some investors would probably prefer SPG to maintain the dividend as much as possible, I believe the smart thing to do would be to cut the dividend if this year is indeed economically bad. In other words,I would be a bit disappointed if SPG tapped into their debt to maintain the dividend. 


In summary, it appears that SPGs $9B credit facility can provide a life jacket during this pandemic. These calculations are based on a 30% reduction in rental income, which seems harsh but not out of the realm of possibility. If every retail company goes bankrupt or doesn’t pay rent, then I guess it’s force majeure and we must be in a depression.  Therefore, in my view, there is a good amount of evidence to show why SPG won’t go bankrupt.

Let me know if I’m missing something crucial! I by no means claim to be a competent analyst.